Working methods

Our recruitment is your solution. Recruitment is not a standardized product but requires specialization. TreasuryRecruiter thinks personal contact is of the utmost importance. Due to our extensive knowledge of and experience within Treasury, Risk, Cash and Finance Management, we can provide maximum added value in finding the right candidate that can make the difference in a job. We are professionals full of passion and entrepreneurship who search the best combination between candidate and company.


The recruitment and selection process by TreasuryRecruiter will be completed such as the client requests and consists of the following steps:


The starting point is the client. In a first meeting we will discuss the wishes and requirements of the position to be fulfilled. It will also provide a complete picture of the organizational structure and corporate culture. TreasuryRecruiter seeks the ideal match between the right candidate and company. Investing in getting to know your customer and candidate can offer a better service.

Company and job profile

TreasuryRecruiter creates a company profile and extensive job profile based on the given information. Due to our knowledge and experience we are able to map the ideal profile of a candidate. After the profile has been reviewed by the client and approved, it will be utilized to recruit candidates.

Recruitment process and support

TreasuryRecruiter will support the candidate from the start until after the official employment. If the candidates who we have proposed are to be invited, we will remain involved throughout the process. Honest and sincere feedback from and to both parties is essential for maintaining the best possible procedure.

Recruitment candidates

Based on a carefully created company and function profile, TreasuryRecruiter will actively seek candidates. Education and experience of candidates are essential, however motivation, loyalty and reliability are at least as important. We approach candidates who are listed in our portfolio, candidates who respond to the vacancy and candidates can be headhunted.


If needed TreasuryRecruiter will be able to hire assessment agencies during the procedure.

Follow up

TreasuryRecruiter will contact client and candidate one month after employment to evaluate whether the right choice has been made by both parties. The feedback we will receive is essential to optimize our services.